πŸ“ƒ Summary

This design project was to develop a solution that will improve the lives of our clients. Based on the clients’ challenges, we developed the following problem statement as a foundation for our project: To design a safe, convenient, and accessible solution to help our visually impaired client, easily complete the steps of making a sandwich.

πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸ’Ό Responsibilities

For this design project, I was tasked to be the administrator of my team. As the admin, I…

Our final Gantt Chart demonstrating the actual schedule for our project.

Our final Gantt Chart demonstrating the actual schedule for our project.

πŸ“Design Process

  1. Concept Sketching:
    1. We were first tasked of generating concept sketches of any concepts that we envisioned would benefit our two clients and support their needs.
  2. Generating a Model and Testing Plan:
    1. Our team used weighted decision matrices to choose the best concept to pursue. Utilizing the chosen concept, we developed our initial prototype and began developing a testing plan for our prototype. Our design was a right-angled support bracket that combats the accessibility issues that arise when constructing sandwiches.
  3. Finalizing our Prototype:
    1. After demonstrating our prototype to our TAs and IAIs, we received feedback to improve our design. Using this feedback, we developed our final prototype similar to the first; however, featuring a guided-support and finger guards to allow for the slicing of a sandwich.
  4. Testing and Presenting our Solution:
    1. Once the prototype was finalized, it was time to put our weeks worth of effort to the test. The prototype underwent various durability, comfortability, safety, cleanability, and versatility tests to ensure that our prototype was to the quality that we desired as a team. Then, we presented our design to our IAIs who referred us to the 1P13 Showcase where we were placed 2nd out of 1000 students for our design.
  5. Post-Project:
    1. This project taught me valuable lessons in simplicity and open-mindedness as we developed a solution to aid in building sandwiches. I learned:
      1. Over-complication is not always the best option.
      2. Simplicity promotes clarity, efficiency, and ease of understanding.
      3. Open-mindedness promotes growth, new perspectives, and the acceptance of different ideas and opinions thus improving communication.

The Weighted Decision Matrix used to decide upon the design we will be pursuing.

The Weighted Decision Matrix used to decide upon the design we will be pursuing.

My initial prototype  featuring a guillotine style design with a drawer to slide a sandwich out.

My initial prototype featuring a guillotine style design with a drawer to slide a sandwich out.

πŸ† Achievements


Over the course of our final project, I acquired many valuable skills and learned valuable lessons:

πŸ‘οΈ Looking To The Future

πŸ› οΈ Software / Hardware

🌟 Skills

The Stack β€˜N’ Slice in its final form!

The Stack β€˜N’ Slice in its final form!

Video demonstrating the Stack β€˜N’ Slice in action!

Video demonstrating the Stack β€˜N’ Slice in action!

Showcase Photos