📃 Summary

This design project was to design and automate a waste sorting solution to a growing and alarming issue in Canada. Cities are needing a large-scale method to reduce waste in landfills. The objective of this project is to develop an efficient system to automate the process of identifying and sorting containers for further recycling processes. For this project, I became apart of the modelling sub-team.

🧑🏻‍💼 Responsibilities

For this design project, I was tasked to be the manager of my team. As the manager, I…

Our preliminary (initial) schedule developed in Gantt Chart format.

Our preliminary (initial) schedule developed in Gantt Chart format.

📝Design Process

  1. Concept Sketching:
    1. On the modelling sub-team, each of us were tasked to generate concept sketches of a mechanism that will deposit containers into a recycling station bin.
  2. Virtual Modelling:
    1. The members of the modelling sub-team used Inventor to turn our refined sketch of the mechanism into a fully-constrained model. Our chosen design uses a gear system in which one is attached to an actuator and the other has a built-in rod. This rod is connected to a slider which lifts the bin upon the rotation of the gears. This was switched from a initially planned linear actuator design.
  3. Physical Modelling:
    1. After 3D printing and laser-cutting our components, we assembled the model. It was a success! All the components came together perfectly and fit in place. We were able to lift and empty the bin as we pleased.
  4. Post-Project:
    1. This project taught me valuable lessons and fortified my skills in Inventor as we designed a mechanism to deposit containers into recycling systems. I learned:
      1. How to constrain items in Inventor!
      2. How to use constructive feedback for improvement!
      3. To keep stay positive and keep persevering as the going gets tough.

A refined concept sketch of our proposed mechanism.

A refined concept sketch of our proposed mechanism.


Over the course of this project, I acquired many valuable skills and learned valuable lessons which included:

An engineering drawing of the mounts used on our mechanism.

An engineering drawing of the mounts used on our mechanism.

🛠️ Software / Hardware

🌟 Skills

A 3D model of our finalized mechanism concept.

A 3D model of our finalized mechanism concept.

👁️ Looking To The Future